Areas of Expertise

This is my list of areas of interest and expertise
Attachment Injuries
Depression/low mood
Life Transitions
Stress management
Relationship Issues
For questions & enquiries, and to book a session, please reach out.
Speciality Training
Attachment Mastery Program L2: Diane Poole Heller
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Developmental Injury - Level 2
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Trauma - Level 1: Affect Dysregulation, Survival Responses, & Trauma Memory: Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute
Gottman Method – Level 1 & 2
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT): John Wagner
Couples Therapy in the 21st Century: On Target, Effective, & Revolutionary: Sue Johnson
Healing the Wound-Trauma and Grief Healing: Darien Thira